
Jennifer and her team at Clapp Family Law have 25 years of combined experience providing sound advice and legal counsel to families in the greater Boston area. The firm is built on the cornerstones of sound judgment and commitment to our clients’ needs and is rooted in the following ideals:


Our clients are the heart of our practice, and, they are our priority. We are honored when clients choose us to help them navigate the most important and emotional life transitions, and, to help them get to a place beyond the conflict. We don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to family law. Instead, we tailor our services to each of our client’s individual needs, and we work closely with them to ensure we obtain the most optimal results for their situation.


Our commitment to our clients knows no bounds. When we take on a case, we work diligently to ensure that we understand all the nuances of our clients’ situation and their desired outcomes. Through the discovery process, we take every necessary step to gather the evidence to make strong, effective arguments for our clients. We’re committed to constantly learning so that our firm can evolve and thrive in the complex and dynamic area of family law.


At Clapp Family Law, we have the knowledge and experience to secure a favorable result, and, the empathy and compassion necessary to ensure our clients feel heard. Emotions can be high, especially during divorce and child custody cases, and we help our clients by providing a sympathetic ear, a neutral perspective, and a rational approach to family law.


At Clapp Family Law LLC, we believe peace and balance is key in family law cases. We know that unnecessarily contentious divorces can leave long lasting scars on families and on children in particular. We guide our clients toward compromises whenever possible, but when needed, we are willing to fight for the right result. Whether we’re representing a client in a divorce, mediation, or litigation, we keep a level head and provide the bit of serenity our clients tend to need through this process.


In family litigation cases, civility is essential. To maintain civility in our cases, we help our clients to find common ground with other parties, to disagree respectfully, and to move forward in a way that achieves results without causing harm.


Maintaining a sense of calm in the eye of the legal storm require civility and cooperation with the opposing party. By remaining focused on problem solving, we help our clients focus on their ultimate goals versus engaging in conflict for conflict’s sake. This approach eliminates many of the economic and emotional costs of long drawn out cases, and, it helps client move toward their new family structures and/or economic reality.


One area where we never compromise is on providing high quality, intelligent, and capable representation to our clients. Over the years, our capability has been recognized through awards and speaking engagements, but even more importantly, our clients find us highly capable to handle their legal needs.


When you come to us with your family law needs, we are conscientious about the fact that you are trusting us with critical aspects of your family’s journey. We strongly believe we have a duty to do what is right and to work as hard as possible for all of our clients, and we are thorough and exact in our approach. When you turn to Clapp Family Law for your legal needs, you can count on us to approach your case effectively, diligently, and intelligently.

Jennifer Clapp


It's my professional mission to help my clients navigate the legal process. Together, we build the framework for the next stage of their lives. I see my role as principled advocate, stalwart defender and calming presence.

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Vanessa Swett

With over a decade of experience in financial analysis and business administration, Vanessa assists clients with preparation of financial statements and discovery responses, as well as detailed analysis of proposals.

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Sandy Stewart


Sandy landed in family law following a career as a surface warfare officer in the U.S. Navy, including time aboard the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN where she became the first woman in the ship’s history to qualify to stand in for the captain on the navigation bridge.

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